public interface

Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

This interface gives the API for basic access to the Environment, allowing Participants to register, deregister and act on the environment.


Public Methods
abstract void act(Action action, UUID actor, UUID authkey)

Performs an action on the environment

abstract void deregister(UUID participantID, UUID authkey)

Deregisters a participant with the environment.

abstract EnvironmentRegistrationResponse register(EnvironmentRegistrationRequest request)

Registers a Participant with the simulation environment.

Public Methods

public abstract void act (Action action, UUID actor, UUID authkey)

Performs an action on the environment

public abstract void deregister (UUID participantID, UUID authkey)

Deregisters a participant with the environment.

public abstract EnvironmentRegistrationResponse register (EnvironmentRegistrationRequest request)

Registers a Participant with the simulation environment.